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Final Word on NIU: The Achievements and Challenges of Nuclear Fusion Research


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Apart from the version composed in verse, there isanother prose version of the Thao Hung Epic which is directly translated word for wordfrom the Pali text, but its context is a little different. The poetry version is, however,very melodious, and so it is considered a major work of Lao literature.

Final Word on NIU

This major literary work was, for centuries, infeudal Siamese hands, and it was kept in the Bangkok Library, obscured from the publiceye. In 1942 I found an original copy written on Baylane (palm leaves) in Laoscript, in the literature section of the Bangkok Library. First, I had found a versionwritten on rough paper in Thai script, in which was stated : "King Rama V of Siam,named Chulachomklao, ordered his secretary to copy out from palm leaves, Lao script intoThai script, the Thao Hung's story." Following this information, I tried to find theoriginal copy of the Lao manuscript and when I found it and compared the Lao and Thaiscripts line for line, I finally concluded that it was the same original copy. Of the two,the Lao manuscript is larger, covering about 300 palm leaves, and on the last leaf it ismentioned that "Sisunon of Vangban village wrote this Cheuang Kuang's story for theLord Viceroy." So it seems that the Thais might have taken this palm leal manuscriptfrom Xieng Khouang, where they fought against the Ho in 1876, during the reign of KingChulachomklao of Thailand.

But, in this publication, I kept the contents asthey were and considered it wonderful and interesting that the Lao folk literature tellsof customs in rice cultivating, hunting and fishing, while other stories do not. Whenthere was a contradiction between the Thai and Lao scripts in the first part, it made medoubtful, so I had to search for another copy. Many years had passed before, atlast, I found one at the Library of the Ministry of Cults in Vientiane. It was written inthe Dhamma script (sacred script) called Lam Cheuang or Phuen Thao Cheuang (ThaoCheuang's Legend), translated word for word from Pali in prose. It also consisted ofeleven phuk fascicles, each of which had 24 palm leaves. There is also amention that "Venerable Buddhaghosacarya was the preacher of Thao Hung's story whowould be born in the future, that is, in mini-era 480 or 1118 A.D., while the poemfascicle has no indication of the date it was composed. At the end of the Dhamma scriptfascicle, there was no mention of Thao Hung making war against Tumwang kingdom only hisreturn from the kingdom of Pakan. Furthermore, it is mentioned at the conclusion that ThaoHung or Cheuang's story was derived from the story of Migapadavalanjana, the storyof a man born from the footprint of a big wild animal. This story was included inCamadevi's story composed by the Venerable Bodhiramsi of Xiengmai in Pali language inapproximately 1517 A.D., during the reign of king Tilok (or Bilok), the king of Chiangmaiwho ruled that kingdom contemporaneously with the reign of king Vijularaj of Xiengthong(Luang Phrabang). Venerable Bodhiramsi tells us that the Camadevi's story was originallywritten in Chiangmai dialect and in poetry, and that later on it was composed in Palilanguage with the addition of some Buddhist stories.

iii) The final word of the third line, where thefirst syllable is stressed, rhymes with a correspondingly stressed word in the first lineof the next four-line group (piik and khiik).

iv) The final word of the 4th line, which is apolite form, rhymes with a politeword in the second line of the next four-line group (haoand khao, khoen and koen, nii and sii).

I therefore concluded that the words 'Meng'and 'Mon' are the same, while the words 'Khom', 'Khem', 'Khmer' and 'Khmen'are also the same. In addition, also found in this epic are the words, "Group of KhomKhem H. " In the chapter dealing with Thao Kua, ruler of Pakan Kingdom, hesent Nay Math to seek help from Aiy Hath, chief of the hill tribe of Phulot, and AiySamma-heng, chief of the Phuthum, as his allies, and both men went to Thao Jum's side,because he was Thao Hung's uncle. This seems to indicate that Thao Jum was of the sameethnic stock. The hill and mountain people are of Mon-Khmer origin. Thus, Thao Hung andthe people of Ngeun-yang were certainly at that time Mon or Khom, because those peopleconsidered themselves of the same race. The Charay, one of the mountain tribes, stillworship Cheuang's spirit and consider Khun Cheuang to have been their former king. Alocal story of Thao Hung or Cheuang, written in Dhamma script, mentioned that the storywas abstracted from Migapadavalanjana, that is, the story of a man born from a deer'sfootprint, which is the same as Camadevi's Story, written by the venerable Bodhiramsi ofXiengmai in Pali. Venerable Bodhiramsi tells us that he wrote the story on the basis of agreat epic which he transcribed into Pali from a local dialect. I therefore understandthat Camadevi's and Thao Hung's stories are likely to be from the same origin, because itis mentioned in the former that Nang Camadevi, Phaya Muang Khom's daughter from Lavo, cameto be the ruler of Muang Lamphun, and she was a widow with two sons, namely ThaoMahantayot, the elder, and Thao Indravoraman. Indravoraman played a very important role inthe struggle against the Lua, the indigenous people. The same context is also found inThao Hung's story, where Thao Hung's mother, Nang Chom, was also a widow with two sons.

The terms Chom and 'Chain' maymean the same, in which case Nang Chom (or Nang Chain) was not actually the name of aperson, but merely indicative of a woman of the Chain race, which came from the sameethnic stock as Mon-Khmer. It is. however, understood that Thao Hung's Storywritten in Dhamina script. although compiled on the basis of the poetry version, was notcompleted as the poem was. The Camadevi Story was also compiled on the basis of a greatepic in local vernacular. It can be concluded that the great epic is the same as ThaoHung's story written by a Buddhist monk, so both stories were influenced by Buddhism.Thehistory of Sipsong Panna (Xieng Houng ) and the Shans' history of Senvy, however, bothclaim Thao Cheuang as their king. In fact, it is not surprising, because everyone wants abrave man to be his hero. In other words, a group of weak people want to depend on a groupof brave people, and that is why considered Thao Hung their king. Regarding the dateof compilation, that of Camadevis and Thao Hung's story is quite different. This isnot so important because both authors might have composed the stories at different times,and perhaps they collected the information and data in different periods; or perhaps theyeach wanted to claimtheir story as the older. As to the problems of which race theauthor belonged to, how the story was conceived, and where it came from, al theseproblems are not so important. The most important point I want to make, is that ThaoHung or Cheuang's story is a masterpiece of Lao literature, because it was composedin the most melodious Lao poetry.

You can use it for many word games: to create or to solve crosswords, arrowords (crosswords with arrows), word puzzles,to play Scrabble, Words With Friends, hangman, the longest word, and forcreative writing: rhymes search for poetry, and words that satisfy constraints from the Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle (OuLiPo: workshop ofpotential litterature) such as lipograms, pangrams, anagrams, univocalics, uniconsonantics etc.

Please note: the Wiktionary contains many more words - in particular proper nouns and inflected forms: plurals of nouns and past tense of verbs - than other English language dictionaries such asthe Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (OSPD) from Merriam-Webster, the Official Tournament and Club Word List (OTCWL / OWL / TWL) from the National Scrabble Association, and the Collins Scrabble Words used in the UK (about 180,000 words each). LotsOfWords knows 480,000 words.

Reynolds said she made lasting friendships at NIU, and her experiences in the Greek system as a member of the Sigma Kappa sorority provided memories that will last a lifetime. She reflected on the impact President Peters had on NIU and what it meant to be the final graduate to shake his hand and receive a diploma from him.

This is where Michael Jordan took a jump shot from the wing and Keith Smart put up a last-gasp attempt from the baseline and Chris Webber called a timeout and Fred Brown threw a pass and Roy Williams said a bad word. They all became part of Final Four lore.

That left North Carolina and Michigan, and the Tar Heels clinging to a 73-71 lead in the final seconds of the championship game. Webber had scored 23 points, after 27 against Kentucky. If the Wolverines could somehow win the championship, he almost certainly would be named Most Outstanding Player. Something very different was about to open.

The list mentioned above is worked for every puzzle game or event if you are generally searching for Five letter words with NIU letters in them in any position then this list will be the same and worked for any situation. Wordle game within months rules over the world and now people are searching for hints and clues that they can use to solve the puzzle in the best attempt (2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6).

Final words: Here we listed all possible words that can make with NIU Letters. If somehow any English word is missing in the following list kindly update us in below comment box. 2ff7e9595c

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